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How FP&A Teams Can Start Using AI Now

How FP&A Teams Can Start Using AI Now

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries, and financial planning and analysis (FP&A) is no exception. While AI used to be a futuristic concept, it is now becoming an essential tool that can enhance accuracy, efficiency, and insights for financial teams.

The anticipated growth in AI is set to see a substantial rise from the $207 billion recorded in 2023, demonstrating a year-over-year increase of roughly 47.7%. This expansion is largely driven by rising investments in AI technologies and their widespread application across diverse business sectors. Integrating AI into automation processes alleviates repetitive tasks, enabling a shift in focus towards more intricate and creative responsibilities.

Defining the Basics

At its core, AI is a broad field that enables machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. However, in finance, AI is often intertwined with Machine Learning (ML) and predictive analytics. Here's a breakdown:

Artificial Intelligence

This involves building systems that can simulate human reasoning and decision-making. It can be further categorized into narrow AI (specific tasks) and general AI (human-like intelligence).

Machine Learning

A subset of AI, ML enables systems to learn from data and improve over time without explicit programming. It is often used to analyze datasets, find patterns, and make predictions.

Predictive Analytics

Using ML and historical data, predictive analytics forecasts future outcomes, which is crucial for FP&A teams looking to optimize forecasts and scenario planning.

Each of these technologies plays a substantial role in reshaping financial processes.

Ways FP&A Teams Can Start Using AI

1. Simplify Routine Workflows

FP&A teams spend a significant amount of time on repetitive tasks like data entry, report generation, and preliminary analysis. AI can automate these manual processes, freeing up time for strategic thinking.

With just a few clicks, it enables teams to:

  • Easily pull operational data from systems like CRM or HRIS.

  • Cleaning, sorting, and mapping data happen in an instant.

  • Generate detailed reports with minimal manual intervention.

FP&A teams who start using AI have this increased productivity which reduces the burden of tight deadlines, allowing finance teams to focus on delivering high-value insights.

2. Boost Data-Driven Strategies

AI's most significant contribution to FP&A is its ability to bridge the gap between raw data and meaningful insights. AI-driven systems analyze vast amounts of business data, uncovering trends, correlations, and hidden opportunities. This allows teams to:

  • Identify new business opportunities.

  • Optimize resource allocation.

  • Improve overall financial performance.

By automating data analysis, AI empowers FP&A teams to deliver insights that drive strategic decision-making, enhancing their role as key business partners.

3. Proactive Risk Management with AI

Traditional FP&A methods often involve end-of-month reporting, leaving little room for real-time adjustments. AI changes this by providing real-time analytics, enabling immediate risk identification and mitigation. This enables teams to:

  • Spot red flags early, such as overspending in departments like marketing.

  • Take action to mitigate financial risks before they escalate.

This capability improves agility, keeping companies responsive to financial challenges and opportunities.

4. Accurate Forecasting and Scenario Planning

Forecasting is a fundamental part of FP&A, but it’s often time-consuming and imprecise. AI-powered auto-forecasting tools use ML to analyze historical data and optimize forecasts. By removing human biases, AI-generated forecasts are more accurate and aligned with broader business objectives.

5. Enhance Collaboration and Communication

AI tools are transforming the way FP&A teams collaborate and communicate with other departments. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can quickly retrieve data, answer financial queries, and provide real-time updates to both finance and non-finance teams. This lets the teams:

  • Seamlessly share financial data across departments.

  • Provide instant answers to complex financial questions.

  • Foster better collaboration between finance and management.

These capabilities enable FP&A teams to handle complex scenarios, large datasets, and shifting market dynamics faster and with greater precision.

The Benefits of AI in FP&A

AI offers numerous advantages to finance teams, including:

Faster Decision-Making

A major challenge for finance teams is the inability to respond swiftly. Often, the data being analyzed needs to be updated, coming from the previous week, month, or even quarter. Automating data analysis and scenario planning in real time allows them to capitalize on opportunities more rapidly. This responsiveness would give them a competitive edge by being the first to act.

Cost Reduction

One of the biggest perks of AI and automation is how they can help cut costs. In many industries, labor costs—like salaries and benefits—can account for up to 70% of a company's expenses! So, finding ways to reduce those costs is a smart move for boosting profit margins.

That's where AI comes in. Tools like chatbots and predictive analytics can really lighten the load for finance teams by taking over a lot of the repetitive, manual tasks that used to require a well-paid finance pro.

Improved Accuracy

One of the big advantages humans have over software is our emotional intelligence and ability to connect with others—something machines just can’t do, at least not yet. But let’s be honest, having humans in the mix can sometimes lead to mistakes.

Financial teams, for instance, have had their share of costly and even funny blunders because of manual work. The more manual tasks there are, the higher the chance for errors in data and reports.

While human expertise is super important for things like storytelling, reporting, problem-solving, and reviewing data, the best approach is to combine AI and automation with human oversight. That way, we get the best of both worlds!

More Time for Strategy

Even if the company has no plans to reduce staff or operates with a small finance team, AI frees up valuable time for finance professionals to focus on analysis, strategic thinking, and business partnering, rather than manual tasks. Research shows that even with all the automation tools out there, a surprising 42% of tasks that could be automated are still being handled manually. Now, imagine if that time could be redirected toward strategic planning and enhancing business partnerships.

Forty Two Percent of Tasks Could be Automated

Challenges in Adopting AI for FP&A

Despite its promise, AI adoption in FP&A isn't without hurdles:

Data Integrity and Security

One of the biggest issues with AI right now, especially in finance, is the trust and security of the data. Companies just can’t rely on the platforms because there hasn’t been enough done to keep them secure. There’s a lot of chatter about future government compliance laws regarding who can use AI and for what, which adds to the uncertainty. Both public and private companies are worried about this, and until we can trust the security of the data more, it could really hold back financial AI.

AI Limitations

Despite advancements in AI, finance professionals remain indispensable for running systems, interpreting data, and making decisions. While AI can reduce time and human resource needs in finance, it is not a quick fix but a tool that enhances the finance department's capabilities. Human-driven collaboration, storytelling, and strategic decision-making are irreplaceable, requiring direct human involvement. Companies must continue investing in their FP&A teams, especially amid today's finance and accounting workforce shortages. Furthermore, AI cannot replace roles requiring uniquely human qualities such as creativity, complex problem-solving, and social interaction.


The journey of AI becoming a mainstream tool in the finance department is still underway. Financial software companies are actively developing AI-based finance tools, yet FP&A AI has a significant distance to cover before it becomes universally accessible to companies of all types and sizes.

This scene is evolving rapidly, as evidenced by Crunchbase data showing that over $35.5 billion has been invested in AI startups globally. Within this period, six venture rounds have exceeded $1 billion, with five of these being AI companies. Moreover, since June, we've witnessed ten more mega-deals amassing over $3 billion, including a $1 billion investment in a new venture initiated by OpenAI's co-founder, Ilya Sutskever.

The introduction of financial chatbots by various companies has the potential to revolutionize collaboration and data accessibility. These tools can quickly retrieve information, pull data, and answer financial queries in real-time, enhancing the relationship between finance teams and company leadership.

Moreover, advanced AI systems will continue to evolve, providing even more robust predictive analytics and real-time insights. AI-driven tools are already capable of generating dynamic forecasts, identifying outliers, and mitigating risks—setting the stage for further innovation in financial planning.

AI Is a Game Changer for FP&A

AI is no longer a distant dream for FP&A teams—it is here and ready to be leveraged. From automating mundane tasks to delivering real-time insights and improving forecast accuracy, there are some incredible AI FP&A tools that can reshape how finance teams operate.

Incorporating AI into FP&A is no longer a question of if—it’s a matter of when. The key for finance teams is to start small, experiment with available tools, and scale up as the technology continues to advance. With AI, the future of financial planning is set to be smarter, faster, and more accurate than ever before.

However, AI should be seen as a tool, not a replacement for finance professionals. As AI continues to evolve, FP&A teams that embrace these technologies will stand out by being more agile, data-driven, and strategic in their approach to financial planning.

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