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How Fractional CFOs are Increasing Their Value & Taking on New Customers

Fractional CFOs (FCFOs) have become an increasingly popular CFO solution over the past few years. Research shows that CFOs have the least stable job position in all of the C-suite and this affects the company in all aspects.


In addition, the large increase in startups has created a demand for part-time CFOs who provide valuable expertise and low fees for these smaller companies.


With all of the instability in the job position and market, this eBook will go over how FCFOs can increase their value even more than usual. 

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Reporting Risk Report ACCA

This report examines how the quality and value of risk reporting can be improved.


It reviews current practices in risk reporting, the barriers to better risk reporting, the wishes of users, and the concerns of preparers.

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CEO Outlook going into the new year - KPMG

The CEO Outlook draws on the perspectives for the future of 1,325 CEOs across 11 important markets. Key insights are focused on how today’s connected CEOs are plugged-in, people-first, and purpose-led to grow their organizations and emerge stronger.

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The Complete 2023 CFO Recession Guide

The proactive steps needed to take with a recession on the horizon. The content includes research and ideas for reducing expenses, how to plan for all possible scenarios, and how to be proactive in getting your company through these turbulent times.

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How Fractional CFOs Are Increasing Their Value and Taking on New Customers

Fractional CFOs (FCFOs) have become an increasingly popular CFO solution over the past few years.


However, with a recession looming, many Fractional CFOs are worried that they will lose their customers due to budget cuts

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How Blockchain Technology will Improve FP&A Capabilities in 3 Ways

Blockchain technology sounds risky. It is often associated with cryptocurrency, volatility, and the unknown but blockchain technology goes much deeper than what we hear on the news.

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10 Wildly Effective FP&A Manufacturing KPIs for FP&A to Win

Discover 10 Tried and Tested KPIs and essential visuals used by FP&A professionals at large manufacturing companies. 


Steal these FP&A tactics and charts used by the best in manufacturing FP&A.

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How can you make your finance function as agile as your business strategy?

Upgrading the finance technology stack, moving to the cloud, supporting new product launches, meeting regulatory requirements, and the list goes on. 


All the while CFOs and CIOs are being asked to modernize finance, reduce cost, provide resiliency and strengthen controls with less budget. But how?

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The (Successful) Business Intelligence Alternative for Finance Departments

Fintech evangelists are raving about the newest generation of BIs that supply incredible self-service capabilities at affordable prices and have amazing ROI.

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Top Steps for Improved CFO Board Reporting

Finance leaders know their numbers inside and out.

The Board, however, does not.

How can you get the Board to see what they need to see?

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